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For Members, Families & Friends:

NASDAC Crypto Coin - Faith Based Webinar

Hello and welcome. If you have reached this page you are indeed a very special person. This page is only being shared via Person-to-Person and Network-to-Network Contacts. This Webinar is not nor will it ever be advertised at any time. You have been invited to take part in a very special event. The NASDAC Crypto Coin A.T.O. Soft-Launch!

Please watch the video below. If after watching and you would like to be a part of this Major Event and take part in the A.T.O. Opportunity being presented, fill out the form below and we will get back in contact with you to discuss further details. If you are ready to BUY COINS please see the BUY button beneath the Form after completion. Any questions, please use the same form below.

*Important - Please make sure you include the Person and/or Organization that referred you to this opportunity.

Step 1. Watch The LIVE Webinar

Step 2. Proceed To The Form Below

Would you like to be a part of this A.T.O. Soft-Launch? Have questions? Need Assistance? No Problem. Simply fill in the form below and one of our Support Representatives will gladly assist you further.

Step 3. Buy Coins!

Keeping It Simple. Making A Difference.